As I talk about time management with my
advisees and my daughter, I realize different students find different methods for
organizing their college application process. Yet I think the HOW is just as
important as the WHAT. By this point, most students know what steps
they need to accomplish to finish their college applications. We parents might help our teens better by discussing
with them how they plan to manage
their tasks, rather than constantly reminding them of what tasks they need to accomplish in any given week.
Here are a few suggestions to help students
devise an effective time management method—
1) Remember Stephen Covey’s popular time
management system back in the 90s?
Covey’s son Sean adapted his father’s Four Time Quadrants as an
effective tool to show teens how to prioritize their activities in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.
Covey labelled the Four Quadrants
as: Procrastinator, Prioritizer, Yes-Man, and
Slacker. Too often urgent homework
deadlines or club/sport activities take the place of more important but less
time bound goals. Here is a recap of Sean Covey’s Habit Three: Put First Things First. After prioritizing daily, weekly and monthly
activities, fill out your own Four Quadrants chart and highlight the tasks that
appear in the second quadrant. 
3) Use an online calendar to set up
self-paced “deadlines” for college essay drafts. Schedule these deadlines least a couple of
weeks before any real application deadlines to allow for feedback from
teachers/ other trusted adults or friends, revising and editing. Include automatic reminders sent to email a
few days before each deadline.
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